Monday, July 9, 2012

Before You Ascend, Activate Your Power Center

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Do you want to take back your power - to recognize yourself as the All- Powerful Creator expressing through a physical form?

Does it terrify you to imagine yourself as "all powerful?"

Do you fear that you cannot trust yourself to handle the power?

Do you believe that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?"

Is there any way you can take full responsibility for everything in your life as your own creation and still live with yourself?

Expressing Power Through Divine Love

Do you believe that Love - Divine, Limitless, Unconditional Love - is the most powerful force in the Universe?

Do you know that, when you are fully Standing in the Power of your Loving you are a force that no one and nothing can touch?

Isn't it time to create this way of being and living on Earth?

Your Power Center Must Be Fully Activated For You to Ascend

The Third Chakra or Solar Plexus, located in the area of your stomach, is your POWER CENTER.

As a Divine Creation, you are also a Divine Creator. You create everything in your life -- yes, YOU... already... CREATE... EVERYTHING... you experience in your life.

When you fully accept this, then you are able to consciously choose what you are going to create.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is directly connected to your Mental Body. Therefore...

whatever you BELIEVE to be TRUE for YOU is constantly being expressed through the POWER of your Solar Plexus.

Since power can be used in a multitude of ways, there is a great deal of difference between power used with Unconditional Love and power used with little or no Divine Love.

The idea that "the end justifies the means" completely ignores the TRUTH that the means used to achieve an end totally controls the end that is experienced.

Most of us fear our own power for a variety of reasons. Here are just a few:

  • We've been told that we are sinners.
  • We've had past life experiences where we abused power.
  • We've abused power in our current lifetime.
  • We've experienced abuse from others who hold power.
  • We've experienced very strong emotions, like rage or lust, and we no longer trust ourselves.
  • We have limiting beliefs about the use of power (that it corrupts, etc.)
  • We are afraid - terrified - of ourselves.

The answer to all this FEAR is LOVE.

The answer to fearing our own power is Divine Love.

When we have grounded fully into Mother Earth and are Rooted in our Root Chakra, when we have connected fully into our creativity and eliminated emotional choas from our Creativity Chakra, then we are truly ready to take conscious control of the Divine Power in our Solar Plexus Chakra.

The irony is that we already use our power.

  • We may use it to hide from ourselves, to see ourselves as small, weak, helpless, passive beings.
  • We may use our power by giving it away to others when we refuse to accept responsibility for our actions, thoughts, emotions, and decisions.
  • We may hide from our power by using drugs, alcohol, TV, overeating, or any other addiction (gambling, shopping, whatever),

The fact remains that ultimately we are the ones in charge of our own power. When you take back your power, to become FREE. So why wait. Visit your Power Center, bring the LOVE from your heart into your Power Center, and release the fear. Then you are truly becoming the Master of your own Life.



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