Friday, June 1, 2012

Before You Ascend, Descend to Your Creative Center

In the human body system, seven primary chakras have been identified along the central channel which surrounds and interpenetrates the spine. During the Age of Ascension we are experiencing now, it is important that we learn to be fully conscious at all levels of our being, including the physical body, and also fully present in all of our chakras.

In an article called "Before You Can Ascend, You Must Descend All the Way" I explained why we must descend into the Root Chakra at the base of the spine. This article will help you understand why descending into the second chakra is equally important.

The Creativity Chakra

The Creativity Chakra (also known as the Second or Sacral Chakra) is located just below your navel and is associated with procreation, sexuality, and the emotional body. Emotions are like water. If you mix colored dyes indiscriminately into a bowl of water, eventually the color you will end up with is muddy brown.

Similarly, if your emotions are swirling and whirling around, without clarity and without focus, all jumbled together, and if you feel that you are a victim to your emotions - that you can't understand them or control them - then your second chakra needs attention. Lower vibrational emotions, such as anger, rage, resentment, hate, shame, embarrassment, anxiety, loneliness, lust, jealousy, and so on, are all rooted in fear and are all distractions from our spiritual life path. Furthermore, they can not be controlled using energies from the same level of frequency as the one from which these emotions originate.

To cleanse and balance the Second Chakra, there are two approaches.

  1. Bring the Heart Qualities, including Divine Love, down into this chakra while simultaneously bringing the Divine Love of Mother Earth up and into the same chakra.
  2. Bring the limiting emotions themselves directly to the Heart Center or Heart Chakra while being supported by the Divine Love of Mother Earth.

Both methods are required to create balance and harmony in our Emotional Body.

Unlimited Creativity For Limitless Creators

The Second Chakra is the Creativity Chakra. It is where we find the creative energies that empower us to live as Divine Manifestors on the physical plane. Remember, the Law of Attraction says that what you focus on expands. If you focus with fear, you will get fearful creations. If you focus with Love, your creations will be filled with Love.

What do you want in your world? Fear or Love? It's your choice, because you are the one creating it. If you want all your creations to be expressions of Divine Love, then your Heart Center and your Creativity Center must be working together in harmony and balance.

When your Creativity Chakra is cleansed and balanced and then fully integrated with your Heart Center, you will have access to tremendous power to create your reality in a fully conscious, Love-filled way.

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