Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Law Of Attraction and Business

There is a lot of excitement around the concept of the Law Of Attraction at the moment. The Law of Attraction simply states, "Like attracts like". This means that the thoughts you are putting out will attract back to you similar realities, so that your thoughts and intentions become self-prophetic. In business, this can be very powerful and you can use "The Law" to attract new clients, get great media coverage, loyal employees, business opportunities and empower and motivate yourself and any staff members you may have because you will be able put out thoughts and intentions of success and attract these things into your business.

Here is a bit of historical background on what the Law Attraction is: Thomas Trowad was one of the earliest thinkers of the New Thought movement and he explained that "thought comes before its physical manifestation". This means that the conditions you experience in your business (and in your personal life too) first originated from your thoughts.

When you start out in business, you are excited and optimistic that you will find success in your enterprise. You can visualize having more time, making more money, travelling more and growing your spirituality. However, something happens along the way and you start to work harder, earning less and having little time for yourself or for family, this is the situation I found myself in personally whilst still discovering the law. I really was no better off that when I was working a 9-5 job, in fact I had much longer hours running my business.

What happens at that moment? It all depends on the vibration or intentional thoughts that you are sending out to the Universe. Most of the times we do not even know that we are projecting negative thoughts and emotions and thus attracting back these things. When the initial euphoria of starting a business is no longer alive, it is easy to give into negative states of mind, notably worry and doubt about the performance of your business. And, because the law of attraction is always at work, you will attract situations of scarcity, under performance, low sales and return on investment.

However there is hope because this also works the other way. When you project mental images, thoughts and firm intentions of success in your business, the concept of the law of attraction & business begins to work for you. But this is more than just luck and positive thinking, though positive thinking does play a big role in your attracting of business success. For the law of attraction & business concept to work for you, you must first realize that you are a spiritual being and so are your customers. You and all other living things in the universe communicate through spiritual energy. Visualization is how you make use of this spiritual medium to create mental images that are then projected to the Universe and send back to you in their physical form. Thus, you need to be sending strong intentions or visualizing what you want for your business.

Is it more customers? More sales and revenues? More referrals and new, bigger customers? Expansion into other towns, cities or countries?

According to the law of attraction, visualization is much more than dreaming and hoping that customers will come. It is setting powerful intentions that customers are coming to buy from you, that they will be willing to spend money on your products, and they will refer others to your business. Visualization also comes with emotion. By mixing thought and emotion, you are automatically setting the Law of Attraction into motion and the universe will begin to fulfil your desires.

It is important that you do not permit feelings and thoughts of doubt and fear to contaminate your positive mental images. If this happens, you will receive mixed results, for example, one big customer comes, buys from you for a short time and then leaves.

One way to look at it is this way: ask, believe and receive. Ask by visualizing, believe by having faith that the business success you have asked for is already yours, and then anticipate what you have asked for. As you anticipate, you have to put yourself in the emotional state you will be in when you receive the conducive business conditions you have asked for.

The mistake that most of use make when using the law of attraction in regards to business is that we forget to draw the line between deliberate attraction and being too attached to the outcome. This is a big no-no. Deliberate attraction is really aligning yourself with the positive energy of the business success you want. This means no self-doubt and pessimism. However, do not fall into the trap of obsessing over this particular outcome. If you do, you will be sending out the emotion of fear, and resistance and doubting that the Universe will bring to you that which you have asked for. This might be difficult to do, especially when your business and income is at stake, but you have to learn to be unattached to the outcome.

Give up the fear and resistance and you will be on the true road.

When you are less attached to the outcome, you have more time to positively and deliberately work on the processes in your business. Yes, you will have to take action while you use the concept of the law of attraction & business. However, the action you take will be inspired by positive visualization, positive anticipation and positive thought.

Here is something to consider about taking action: The law of attraction does not work in a vacuum; you have to take action in your business, carrying out the tasks that you should be. However, this will not feel like work, once you align yourself with the positive energy of the success that you are attracting. If you are planning to launch and implement your marketing campaign, go ahead and do this. However, remember to deliberately set the intentions for what you want your campaign to achieve. If you are looking to launch a new product, take action and deliberately attract positive responses from clients.

Experiencing the law of attraction work in your life and business will give you more confidence in these theories, gradually you will then begin to attract success much more easily.

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