Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Challenges: The Bridge Back to You

Part of the human condition is to experience challenges. Whether that be physical, emotional, relational or spiritual, we all have experiences that we would not consciously choose. If it's something we would not choose, we often judge it as wrong or bad and label it as a challenge. We all have things that we wish would just go away whether that's a nagging physical condition or a nagging co-worker! However, when you view challenges merely as an annoyance, or something to take a pill for, or schedule surgery, or hope and pray it will go away, you are missing out on valuable information. This information is designed to help and support you on your evolutionary journey.

When your mind, body and life speaks to you through challenges, it's a signal that something is not working in your life. There's a disconnect - whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually. The way that disconnect gets noticed and communicated is through challenges. That's the intrinsic and ingenious connectedness of your mind/body/spirit!

All challenges are merely an opportunity to reconnect - reconnect to the lost, wounded or judged parts of you.

Challenges are a way of getting your attention, letting you know that you are not owning and honoring a part of you (whether that's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, needs wants or desires). The only way for you to stay connected to that energy is through a challenge - whether that be physical challenges or a challenge in your life that does not seem to shift or resolve itself. Energetically, challenges keep you connected to parts of yourself that you are not consciously choosing to own, honor and support.

For example, have you ever found yourself judging another person harshly, saying things like, "I would never do that!" Inherent in all of us is the capacity for every emotion and the corresponding expression of that emotion whether that be in words or behaviors. When we judge another harshly, it often represents that what we see in that person is something we have disowned in us. We judge it because if we connect to that part of us, it might trigger shame or a sense of failure, or something we don't want to feel.

Challenges are the opportunity to reconnect to your soul, your body, your essence and your spirit. Nothing more and nothing less. They are here to reveal the deeper truth of yourself and your life.

When challenges are approached with curiosity and intrigue, they become a precious map guiding you to your inner treasure. So ask yourself this question, what is this challenge trying to tell me? If you are open, you will get an answer. All challenges, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, contain precious messages which are the bridge back to you.

~ Gabrielle

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