Saturday, July 7, 2012

Proof That God Is Real

According to the ideology of what makes something scientifically proven, "organized physical evidence" proves the existence of that which is not seen. For instance; Nobody has ever seen a dinosaur but yet scientists agree that bones and fossils prove that they existed. Bones and fossils are tangible organized physical evidence. Based on this school of thought the existence of GOD is more real than the existence of dinosaurs. Think about this. Lets say there was a gigantic explosion in a forest. Afterwards you walked through that forest and found a house. You've lived in that area for years and never notice a house there before that explosion. Would you then assume that somehow that explosion caused that house to be built by violently causing materials to be lodged into the air? The nails accidentally fell through the wood and landed in the perfect spot? The cement mixed with the right elements and accidentally took on the perfect shape? Of course not! You would obviously think that something so perfectly intelligently organized had to be made by some intelligent being. Its the scientific rule of organized physical evidence. The constructural organization of such a finding scientifically proves that some intelligent being existed before and during the building of that house. It would have been mathematically impossible for that house to have been built through an explosion by accident. Based on this scientific school of thought lets look at some undisputable facts that prove GOD is real:

  • Look at molecules. If molecules were made by accident then why are the different groups uniformly the same and operate as one concise entity? For instance; oxygen molecules(O2) are colorless, tastless, and odorless. If they were not colorless it would distort sight. If they were not tasteless it would disrupt taste in our mouths because the mouth is constantly filled with oxygen. If they were not odorless it would interrupt with our sense of smell. Oxygen is perfectly designed to sustain all life on earth. Oxygen molecules on earth usually exists in the form of O2, but also exist as O3, ozone, mostly in the atmosphere but also exist on the surface in smog. O3 helps protect the earth from harmful UV rays from the sun. If it were not for O3 plant life would be destoyed and humans would suffer major health problems. How could a molecule so perfectly intelligently designed to sustain life on earth be constructed by accident? (Think about the house in the forest)

  • Take a look at the sun's relationship with the earth. The sun is 30,000 times larger than the earth. One million earths could fit inside the sun. And yet still the sun is only a very small object in the universe. There are stars more than 4000 times larger than our sun!!! The sun happens to be at the perfect size to sustain life. The sun's temperature, color, and diameter are determined by it's mass. Bigger stars are much hotter and bluer than our whitish-yellow sun. Smaller stars are much cooler and redder. If the sun suddenly got too big or too small it would interrupt galactal gravitation, drastically alter temperature, and disrupt equilibrium in our solar system. Now look at the sun's distance from earth. The sun is 93,000,000 miles away from the earth. If the sun were too close we would all surely die. If the sun were too far we would also perish because its the sun's gravitational pull that keeps the earth from falling down into space. The sun and earth are at the perfect mathematical distance! Just look at the fact that the earth's gravity pulls away from the sun while at the same time the sun's gravity pulls the earth towards itself. This gravitation combination is so mathematically perfect that it keeps the earth in line with the sun and visa versa. Now take a good look at the sun's temperature. The surface, or photoshere, of the sun is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,500 degrees Celsius). It is believed that the sun's core is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. If the sun's core were to suddenly increase another million degrees the surface of the earth would become much warmer causing the glaciers to melt, and the oceans dissolved carbon dioxide would be added to the atmosphere due to increased evaporation, and there would be a drastic increase in life threatening health problems amongst humans, animals, and marine life. The sun is at the perfect distance from earth, has the perfect size, the perfect temperature, and sustains the perfect gravitational combination with earth. How could a relationship so perfectly, intelligently, and beautifully designed to sustain life be constructed by accident? (Think about the house in the forest)

  • Take a look at the size of the universe in relation to every thing that exist in it. This is a remarkable relationship! The universe has no end. It goes on forever in every direction. It is believed by many scientists that the universe is constantly growing. Just like trees can produce trees of its own kind, and animals can produce its own kind, some believe that space is self producing everywhere in the universe simultaneously. Wow!!! Science has also estimated that there are more than 100 billion galaxies. It is believed by some that they appear to be moving at incredible speeds as a result of the universe constantly growing. Some even believe that the constant growth of the universe has something to do with the creation of gravity. While universal growth is occurring everywhere so is gravity! Gravity gives shape to the orbits of the planets, the solar system, and the galaxies. Gravity from the sun extends throughout and beyond the solar system, keeping the planets in their orbits. Gravity from the earth keeps the moon in orbit. Constant production of Gravity and growth of the universe are holding all the planets and stars in place. How could something so perfectly, intelligently, and beautifully designed to sustain and encompass all physical existence be constructed by accident??? The clever design of the universe is above and beyond proof that GOD is real!!!

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