Thursday, June 7, 2012

6 Tips To Help Build Self Confidence

Webster's dictionary states "self-confidence is a confidence in oneself and in ones powers and ability." Feelings of self-confidence based on your appearance are purely in your mind, meaning your confidence depends on your personal thoughts and perceptions about the way you look. If you could change the way you think about your appearance, you can change your level of self-confidence.

Here are 6 tools to help build self-confidence:

1. OWN IT - Don't wait for it to happen, take charge now, TODAY. Be responsible for yourself, realizing you have the power to implement change in your life. No one can change your self-confidence, make you feel a certain way or control the things occurring in your life but YOU!

2. CREATE AN ACTION PLAN - Write it down. For example if you want a new job. Outline your dream job, (hours you want to work (from home, part-time), what are you good at, what would you'd be willing to learn) or are you starting over? Do research, read books, browse the internet for opportunities. If you continue moving toward your goal your self-confidence will increase as you realize you are making strides towards the goal even if it's just educating yourself.

3. ACT - Act as though your confident even if it feels forced. Smile more and act as though you are confident and you will be. Hold your head high, make eye contact and smile. This alone will make you appear more confident.

4. BE POSITIVE - Display a positive attitude. Stop complaining and lead by example. Be positive and compliment others. A positive attitude towards others will give back positive feedback so in the process your self-confidence will grow.

5. GET A MENTOR - Establish a relationship with a mentor. This person can share some insight into the skills they use to build and maintain self-confidence. For example this person can be a superior at work or from a club your involved in. This individual should be someone your comfortable talking with and you see as being very confident and look up to.

6. LOOK IN THE MIRROR - Last but not east take care of your personal appearance. Although inward beauty is very important outward beauty is a reflection of what you may feel inside. Start building your self-confidence by dressing nicely, maintaining good posture, smile often, exercising and making sure your skin is looking its best. Great skin helps radiate confidence.

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