Monday, June 11, 2012

How To Enjoy the Present and Get Out of the Past

I once saw a photograph of the 1950's that showed bears in a national park leaning on a car and looking in the window as the sight seers were taking pictures of them with their windows down. The caption under the picture read, "Even bears were nicer back then."

We often hear people longing for the good ole' days. But were the good ole' days really that good? Is the present really all that rotten?

Better Interest Rates Now
In the early 80's interest rates were about 15% or more. The payment for a $100,000 house on a thirty year mortgage would have been $1,680.61 per month. You would have paid $345,449.85 in interest after 30 years. The total amount you would have paid after 30 years would have been $492,699,85.

Today at 4% on a $100,000 dollar house you would pay $581.58 per month. You will pay $67,119.51 in interest after 30 years. The total amount you will pay after 30 years is $209,361.51. Are these really the bad ole' days.

Better Unemployment Rates Now
In 1981 unemployment was above 10% for more than 10 months. Unemployment rose above 10% for only one month recently. The story goes on and on.

Better Cancer Therapy Now
Just a few decades certain cancers were an automatic death sentence, but now they are usually cured through modern medical advancements. If you needed an organ transplant a few years ago you were out of luck. Now there are many lives saved through organ transplants that have become routine procedure.

Better Heart Surgery Now
In many cases certain heart surgeries are outpatient, whereas a few short years ago any heart surgery put you in the hospital for days and sometimes weeks.

Better Cars Now
My dad's 1968 Oldsmobile Delmont 88 died at 125,000 mile mark. We thought that was amazing. Most cars were dead by the 60,000 to 75, 000 mile mark. Now, it is no big deal if a car gets 150,000 to 250,000 miles. Were those really the good ole' days.

The Bible warns us about looking at the past and wishing we were there.

1.The Israelis looked back to Egypt where they had been slaves and wished they were there again. They didn't like the responsibility of freedom.

2.; Lot's wife looked back to the burning cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and longed to go back to a city that had become lawless and violent. A city where her daughters were raped and abused. She became a pillar of salt. Her death led to her husband committing incest with his other daughters in order to produce a family. The Moabties and the Ammonites were the result.

Jesus Warned Us About Glorifying the Past

In Luke 9:62 Jesus said, "No man after putting his hand to the plow, if he keeps looking back, is fit or prepared for ruling in the Kingdom of God". Let's quit looking back and look forward with new vision and rule and reign in Christ.

I'll guarantee you that bears in the 1950's were as deadly as bears today!

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