Thursday, June 7, 2012

Start Managing Stress

The vast majority of my clients and indeed the majority of wonderful people that I meet all have one thing in common: Feeling overly Stressed. In this crazy world that we live in, most people spend the greater portion of their days taking care of everything in the world, except themselves. The main reason for this, I would offer, is because we have been conditioned to believe that if we work hard we will find success.. and by working hard, our forebears meant sacrifice and suffering.

Looking at folks who lived during the Great Wars or through the Great Depression you can see that you had to be willing to really work hard, often physically, and sacrifice, often emotionally, to get ahead in life. In their days this might have been true, but in modern times, our struggles are mostly based on the fact that we have too many options. Very few of us are as focused as we should be on the things that are truly important and we squander our energies and our time, at useless or irrational endeavors.

The effect of this constant buzz, the roar of white noise in our minds from the continuous stimulation, is that we never truly relax, jumping from one crisis to another, multi-tasking our little hearts out along the way. On top of the intense stimulus, which robs us of our focus and energy (it takes VAST energy to focus, and we waste it on the constant drone of information) many of us labor under the misconception that to be selfless (truly focusing all energy on others, instead of ourselves) that we are living a life of meaning and grace.

Self centered is not selfish; self centered infers balance, to have balance one must use one's energy wisely. And we all are necessarily self centered; we can only truly ever understand our own perspective, because our experiences, which no other human being has ever shared or will ever share with you identically, are the filters by which we understand the world. Literally, no other person will ever understand life in the exact same way that you do. This is the very definition self centered.

One of my favorite quotes is 'Only a rich man can be generous.' To me this means, if I don't have a surplus of energy (money IS energy) then you can't share it with others. If you wish to take care of others, especially if you gain your self worth through doing so, then why not do it the best you can? When you take care of yourself you have more to offer others, it's that simple. The sage wisdom of stewardesses: 'When the oxygen mask falls down, put yours on first so that you then can help the people around you.'

One of the best ways to begin to take care of yourself is to start introducing silence into your life. Give your brain waves a chance to slow down and stabilize, which in turn allows your body to relax. I have worked with hundreds of clients on an array of issues, but Stress is the core issue, 90% of the time. The best way to reduce stress is to reduce the amount you have to pay attention to. Focus takes more energy than you can fathom... begin practicing moments of mindLESSness, to encourage more mindFULLness the rest of the time. Silence and trance are incredible healers..

I have put together the following tips so that you can begin to weave silence and stillness into the fabric of your days:

1) Stop.

Just stop everything once in awhile. If you notice yourself getting tense or moody or tired, stop. Take a few deep breaths, imagining (feeling) tension and stress drain out of your body. Take a nice slow, deep breath, hold it for the count of five, then purse your lips and exhale very slowly, trying to count to ten. As you breathe out, say to yourself, relax and release, relax and release. With daily practice you will soon be able to relax your mind almost instantaneously. This is a form of Self Hypnosis.

2) Drink water.

Over 80% of your body is water, water refreshes your cells, cleanses your body of toxins, physically, mentally and emotionally. Think of how great it feels just to be near water, water has a pure energy and a frequency that settles our frequencies. Try to drink 48-64 ounces a day, if just starting out. One of the quickest ways to get your health back on track is to give up soda completely, it's poison (it is by far the easiest thing to give up when using hypnosis. the body knows it is filth). Drink water constantly, just sipping. Have a stainless steel water bottle with you everywhere you go (tastes way better than plastic, doesn't contaminate your water and will last for years saving the earth of nasty plastics). I can't emphasize this enough, water is the gateway to health..

3) Walk.

Walk whenever you can. Park in the farthest away spaces when appropriate, take the stairs once in awhile when appropriate. Go for a walk when you get home from work, consciously releasing all you've been thinking about and processing, allowing you to refresh and renew in the evening, free from the weight of the past. Walk with your loved ones, have meaningful but relaxed discussions with them. Walk in the morning before work to clear your head and calm your mind, creating a calm base from which you can operate during the day. Walk even if it is only ten minutes. Walk and breathe, grounding yourself in this moment right now, the only moment that truly exists.

I guarantee if you start to utilize these simple tools during your days, you will begin to feel lighter, fresher and freer, more positive and more productive.

Take good care of yourself, it's the greatest thing you can do for the world.

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