Thursday, June 7, 2012

How To Start Loving Yourself

Do you love and accept yourself? Accepting yourself means that you love yourself for the way you are right at that moment. It doesn't mean that you stop making improvements to yourself. It just means that you don't have to change to be lovable and good enough.

You are good enough, just the way you are.

Why doesn't everyone naturally love themselves? We are born loving ourselves but somewhere along our journey this may change. Maybe a parent or teacher tells us that we aren't good enough. People tell us we need to look or act a certain way to be acceptable. But that isn't the case. You are good enough. And once you realize this and start loving yourself, your life will dramatically improve.

The most important thing you can do in your life is to love yourself. It's more than having confidence, it is knowing deep inside yourself that you are unique, you are special, and you are lovable - exactly the way you are at this moment in time.

An exercise to get started on loving and accepting yourself:

1. Get some journal, paper, or a notebook and list anything you don't love or accept about yourself. It can be anything from physical items, behaviors, whatever comes to mind.

2. Take the list and for each one listed write: a) Why don't you like this about yourself? b) Is it something you can change?, c) If so, what can you do to change or improve it?, d) If this "thing" didn't change and you were on your deathbed and reviewing your life, would it really matter to you? Some times we think a particular is horrifying but when you step back and look at it in terms of your whole life is seems a lot smaller of an issue or problem.

3. Make a list of ideas and steps you could take to try to change each item you listed if you still wanted to change it.

4. Now - for the big step - make an agreement with yourself that you will make a commitment to try to make improvements but that you will love yourself right now, just as you are.

5. For additional help, start using affirmations such as those listed at the bottom of this article to help in loving yourself and making positive improvements.

When you decide to accept yourself fully and completely, miracles happen.

A good example of this is when I became addicted to prescription pain pills. I didn't like myself very much at the time. I felt so much guilt over getting severely addicted and ruining my life. I didn't think I would ever be able to forgive myself. When I would go to 12-step meetings I would quietly cry to myself because I felt so ashamed.

But once I made a commitment to love and accept me, even though I had totally messed up and gotten addicted, miracles did happen. It was like I dropped a ton of bricks that I was carrying and my life got better and better every day.

Know that you are good enough and remember:

1. It's okay to want to improve things about you and that is healthy.

2. Don't wait to accept yourself after the changes (I'll be okay once I lose x number of pounds). Be "okay" now.

3. The sooner you accept yourself the way you are really love yourself, the faster you will make improvements and it will be easier and more rewarding.

4. And know: You are good enough. Right now. You are lovable and deserving.


It is safe for me to love and be loved. I am lovable.

I am good enough, just as I am.

I am lovable and I deserve to be loved.

In this moment, I am perfect, whole, and complete.

I consistently speak the truth.

My intuition improves daily.

Good, good, and more good come to me now.

I am enthusiastic about my life.

The more good I notice in my life, the more good that comes to me.

I relax and trust my intuition. I am always Divinely guided.

I easily forgive and release the past.

I see my pure, perfect self. Just as I am, right now, today.

I allow change in my life and am willing to learn and grow.

It is safe for me to forgive others. It is safe for me to forgive myself.

My life is harmonious and peaceful.

I am peaceful, joyful, and radiant.

I am responsible for my own feelings. Others are responsible for their own feelings.

My love is a powerful healing force on the planet.

I love myself unconditionally.

It is safe for me to be myself. I am authentic.

I keep my thoughts positive and I am empowered.

That which is not for my highest good, now easily fades from my life.

I am self-motivated and Divinely guided.

I eliminate anything I don't want to make room for what I do want.

I take responsibility for my own life.

I choose to have a positive attitude.

I believe in myself and my abilities. I take positive actions everyday.

I completely and totally love myself.

I want to be the best that I can be.

I have freedom in my life.

I am worthy of all that my heart desires.

I claim my right to be happy!

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